Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tits and Children.

This week Katy Perry has become another victim of mothers who take issue with a relatively common thing; tits.
Your humble blogger obviously has no problem with them and thinks this kind of censorship is fucked up.
Apparently, while on Sesame St. as yet another cameo, she wore a dress that was a little low-slung for some peoples taste.
I would have to assume that these are the same mothers, by and large, that support rampant gun use and appose needed abortion, the same mothers that shelter their children from anything real in the world to the point of suppression. The same mothers, it appears, have some major problem with a pair of natures most marvelous entities. Bo!
"You can practically see her t---," one complaint read. "That's some wonderful children's programming."
Let me ask you, who has spent more time in close proximity to boobs than kids? We spend a few years sucking our sustenance out of the bastards, and if you’re a little left of center a few years more, half the viewer ship will have tits within the decade (maybe more if the obesity keeps up), what’s the big fucking deal?
All I could suggest is that mothers out there are jealous of Katy Perry’s perky rack when their own glory days are long behind them.
I read somewhere that on daytime television you can show a tit so long as you don’t show the dreaded nipple, apparently the nipple is where all the evil is. You can bet all the sex offenders out there would be doctors and lawyers and such had they not seen the nipple that led them down that heinous path, yeah right.
I think its primarily a case of bored parents thinking up things they might complain about, they have taken our free-speech but they will never take our over-hyped popstars breasts.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What to do when nothing is left or worth fighting for.

We live in a terribly boring era, a long way from the 1960s and 1970s, when people still gave a shit.
Where are the picket lines? Protest songs? Rallies? Or movements today? They are nowhere, because nothing is changing and no-one has the balls to try. People are all too content to say “fuck it, we have no power”, it may be true but it is certainly not good enough.
No-one should make the mistake of thinking the fights aren’t raging because everything is good, it is quite simply because no-one cares enough- the world has gone soft.
Even the supposed “rebellious” music of today, is GaGa and other throwbacks to Grace Jones and the glorious disco era, no true originals.
Where is our punk? Where is our underground hip-hop, where are our 60s protestors, peace activists, outlaw poets?
They are nowhere, we are soft.
It is not as if Iraq doesn’t deserve as much of our time as Vietnamn did, in many ways they’re utterly similar, its more no-one cares enough or has the courage to hold a sign and play their part.
And those that do are people like Neil Young, who did his part in the 60s.
Fuck, even the 90s had Rage and grunge, what do we have? Nothing, a big fat zero.
I wish I could fight, even in vain, for a better world, but the fight is over, and because we laid down our gloves and took the hits, we lost.