Friday, May 7, 2010

Naming The Life.

In recent and semi-recent conversations, I have adopted the habit of isolating moments of ridiculous conversation and heralding them the title of the sayers autobiography.

Odds are, if you spend enough time conversing with anyone eventually they will say something funny and non-descript enough to be plastered on the front of a book on their life.

Take for instance a female friend of mine, who came up with this:

‘It would be weird to have sex around so many shoes’

Taken out of the proper context it seems to be saying nothing, yet could be saying everything, about her life. The exact kind of thing you might expect to see on a best-sellers list or in the ‘celebrity bios’ section of a popular book store.

It makes you wonder about things; about when someone might have said such a thing, why and what kind of person would say that. And, as most people could guess, titles that ask questions are pure gold.

Another friend recited this piece of genius:

‘You can’t take acid with a spray tan’.

This combines too insane situations, to most normal folk, yet seems to make some kind of weird sense. Acid in itself is a terrifyingly beautiful experience, but a spray tan could skew the space time continuum and take things another direction.

It’s interesting to think what this might say about a persons life. What an insane journey it might be that, at some point, a person would combine the polar-opposite adventurous worlds of acid and artificial tanage, or the likewise opposite worlds of sex and footwear.

Then of course, there are the perfectly apt titles; the titles that don’t play on the absurdity of a celebrity or socialites lives and cut to the heart of it, for better or worse.

An example of this is another friend, who is not that well off, infact he has very little. Who, in the course of perfectly regular conversation, said this:

‘Making just enough, to have nothing’.


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