Thursday, November 25, 2010

On Leaving Speeches and Well Beings…

Some of you surely know it well….the end of school speech. Besides all the stereotypical bullshit they will tell you one thing; they would love to see you back.
You are graduating, this is your big day, the day you’ve sweated on, the hardship is over and your about to hear everyone ruffle your hems and sing your praises, after all it was far from common ground in their day to graduate high-school…..
And what do you get? Typical, rehashed speeches and plastic goodbyes. This is most certainly not meant to offend anyone, just the graduating experience from a, somewhat, impartial observer.
They will, naturally, break out the classics like; ‘don’t go where the path may lead you, go instead where there is no path’ and ‘we wish you all the best in your future endeavours’ and ‘ we hope to see you back as active members of this community’. This translates to: don’t come back unless you have a doctorate…
Believe me, with younger brothers and most recently a girlfriend just finished school I know. They want nothing to do with you….
Of 30 or thereabouts, teachers I knew well, there is 3 I adore and will make any effort of reasonable conversation with. At post-school age you might be within your rights to call them friends, and I do so…folks I consider to have some sort of positive influence on me beyond schooling. The rest are swine that are surely glad to be rid of me and could care less if I was shooting a grand of heroin into my arm each and every day.
One truth; much as they will profess your presence is welcome on their doorstep; nothing could be further from the truth.
Unsurprisingly the principal is the key in these shenanigans, recognizing that all you have to do is show up and by such an act the magical experience of high-school, six years to which you have committed your growing from youth into man or woman as the case may be, will be relived and revived. But don’t be fooled, they want nothing more than to be rid of you and if you happen to appear on their radar again, by other means, you might be expected to be treted like a rapist or molester.
I shant be so decisive to state that if you show up with a degree that might better humankind you wont be greeted with anything but open arms, BUT, from my own experience, if you show up with anything less you will be treated as common scum….
Sad But True…

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