Friday, July 3, 2015


If you are my age and unless your parents were selfish or awful Catholics, you have siblings. Nowadays spree killers, and only-children, are much more common. It is the age of wiggle-room and one child affords you all the shitty judgement of having a child with none of the baggage of letting your dreams die.
But there was a time when fucking only for children was a thing. It is the reason my father is one of seven and my mother is one of six. I too am one of seven; partly of good Catholicism, partly of boredom, partly of a trigger-happy old man and a bunch out of the bottle. Though shit has recently turned murky, I love each of them dearly and for different reasons.

Obviously We Love Some More Than Others.

Take my sister. The only girl in the group, or woman, gendered and identifying as female. This world got itself into a big damn hurry.
Let's call her Cathy, mainly because she would fucking hate it. Also because I didn't consult her on a mention here and there is a good to fair chance she doesn't know this blog exists.
Of course she has her faults. But I don't know too many people who would do everything they could to help you out a jam. I was in danger of being un-enrolled from my school for neglect of payment. Partly because I didn't have the money, mainly because I spent the money on beers. She sent me the money no questions and, I am very proud to say in this world of I-owe-you-you-owe-me, hasn't mentioned it in two years.

Oi Cunt, You Owe Me Dosh.

Or take my brother, the next one in line after me (boy wise, keeping people anonymous is hefty work). Let's call him Slim, because I know he would like it. He is one of the funniest people on the planet, the definition of down to earth. If we should reach such depths as being down to the last beer of a slab, he will gladly share with you. There is always a spot for you, whether you call a week or an hour ahead and he will do his damnedest to make you comfy.

Take Mine Bro, Just Watch It. Can Fold Up When You Roll Over.

And again take the next brother in line. A vegetarian, a kind soul. A cynical fuck like me, sure, but beyond all that he is someone as pure as the driven snow. My cynicism leads to genuine hatred, his leads to mild annoyance. He was cursed with it from the very beginning, genes and shit.
We will call him LeRoy, and LeRoy is one hell of a fucking human being. I know I am biased and bias has no place in science, but scientifically he is one hell of a fun guy.
Meeting new people is a scientific poll, and there is a damn fine and true reason he polls ahead of the pack.

Googled Sexy Vegetarian, Got A Damn Near Lookalike. 

Lest you think this whole blog is nothing but a love-letter to my own siblings, I should say I am merely expressing gratitude. There was a line in that Sunscreen song "the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young"
Who could know you younger? And who are more impossible to get rid of?
I say, good thing. The friends of childhood can leave you in a minute when they find something better like: working the same bullshit kind of job you have now. Your family cannot. And it goes both ways, I am so glad I could never leave them either, much as I would've sometimes liked too. Blood is thick, water is bullshit.


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