Sunday, August 8, 2010

On the commonwealth games; sham or scam?

Is it me? Or are the Commonwealth Games a big croc of bullshit? It is that time of year again, sports fans, or more appropriately that time of four years. The games that people make too big a deal of, each and every time.
Now, admittedly, I am not the most sports savvy. As a general rule, if its not womens tennis, I don’t want to know about it. But these games must be seen as they are; a nonsense sporting event with too big a support network.
I can see it now, some 70 years ago, a group of sporting fat-cats sitting around dreaming up events that can fill the void between Olympics.
Oh, and America is the only nation of any promise and potential that is denied entry.
Finally, I hear scores of Canadian, British and yes, even my fellow Australians crying, it is our time to shine.
Perhaps my ill-feeling toward these prestigious and celebrated games comes from my ill-feeling toward the queen, monarchy and commonwealth itself. I don’t, and never will, understand why her majesty merits a place on our currency, why her flag deserves a place on ours and why we need to celebrate her faux birthday each and every year (in which an Independence Day would serve the same purpose).
My lack of love for Lizzy comes, undoubtedly, from my hatred of people being undeservedly praised. I dislike her as I dislike Paris Hilton, besides being rich she has no entitlement to any sort of fame or power (and it is just as well the old bat is just a figurehead, as she certainly doesn’t understand those who break their backs for a living).
The games have taken the sting and glory out of the Olympics, an event that definitely warrants more fan-fare and is at very least an equal playing field.
The hype around the games is entirely too much, people give way too much of a shit. Add to this there is the Commonwealth Youth games and winter games, it seems just a way for people to clog the sporting arteries with lackluster events that are entirely over hyped. So the money can keep rolling in and the athletes can win more gold.
Its all mutton dressed up as lamb, and I am sure the market men think long and hard about how they can con people into believing that this is some sort of big deal.

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