Monday, September 2, 2013

Note From The Forever-Alone Desk.

I remember a good friend told me:
'I was content to be alone forever until I met her'.
What a revelation! It got me thinking. The words 'alone' and 'forever' put together can be daunting. But his attitude was nonchalant, which led me to think of it in a nonchalant way. I had never considered loneliness to be a positive. If everything has a positive and a negative aspect, which is something I believe, then loneliness should be no different.
The problem was I spent too much time letting my lack of companionship define me where the surplus of myself should provide definition. To some I will always be a pathetic or hopeless person because I lack the other half to my supposed whole. But I counter that with my own assertion that if I needed to be whole as society deems fit, I would find myself a woman for my usual neurosis of doing what is 'O.K' in the eyes of others. The fact that my laziness overwhelms that tells me that I too am content to be alone forever. And that is one of the few aspects of myself I am ok with.