Wednesday, July 14, 2010

On Childhood Delusions and Things Unsaid.

It has become apparent, with each passing year that the dreams of mine are running faster than I am. All too often I am left at the starting gate while they take the ribbon.
Sooner or later you have to be realistic about it, I mean when your young your folks tell you that you can do whatever you want. That no dream is too big and they just want you to be happy.
I suppose they do this so you’re not disappointed from the very beginning. I think this has a lot to do with how carefree childhood is also, and likewise why so many children (yours truly included) are impatient and can’t wait to grow up and achieve all these good things.
Of course what they fail to mention is that the dreams you have are, the majority of the time, only accomplished by those with either talent or good looks and that you have neither of those.
It would be much simpler if as soon as you could comprehend, they told you something along the lines of the following;
‘I was once like you, and my parents never told me this, but you can’t do anything you want. There is probably four or five things you’re capable of that wont make you want to kill yourself, and most of them are simple and boring. So, darling child, aim low’.
It’s a bitter situation, to say the least. But I have learnt this lesson more thoroughly than most. At 21 I am back at home, with an utter lack of faith and delusions of grandeur.

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