Thursday, August 12, 2010

Action movies: Sheer enjoyment or Sheer Hysterics

For one reason or another, most people like those cheesy 80s action movies, the kind where the hero is actually a badass with his heart in the right place, super-duper mobile phones the size of egg cartons and the guy with the glasses is usually the weak computer guy who fucks shit up with data.
I have, in my extensive…research, come across two schools of thought regarding these cinematic works of genius and why we watch them.

1. The genuine enjoyment.
This is the school that watches the movies for no other reason than they enjoy them. It is not as if any of them take what is happening as ultra-realism, or even think they are particularly well made. It is simply that disbelief is suspended (or perhaps retarded) to such a degree that they genuinely enjoy the stories. Whats not to enjoy about Steven Seagal killing the odds and the foes?
This is the method that most people watch movies. They watch them as they were intended to be watched, as an 80s audience might have watched them before technology made their look redundant and rules on safety curbed the absurdity of the stunts.
This group, is in my opinion, the minority; the real purists who can overlook the plot-holes and technical flaws and enjoy the movie for the movie.

2. The action as a comedy.
This is the majority of us who watch “Commando” to see Arnold row a boat to Mexico faster than a sea-plane (in leather undies no less) and laugh our balls off at it.
In contrast to the above group we thrive on the absurdity, the poorly thought out stories, budget limitations, technical errors and shitty acting. It isn’t an action so much as a black comedy, where hundreds of people die but their lives don’t seem to matter when compared to the hilarity of the slapstick lead.
What could be funnier than a hyped up action oozing with melodrama? I don’t know…


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