Friday, October 17, 2014

A Note From The Fish as an Unlikely Sympathy Candidate Desk

My mother feels sorry for fish. Carnivore though she is, she has a unique perspective on fish. The logic is simply that fish are the only animal mass harvested from their home for the sustenance of humans. The paddock is certainly home to it's sheep and cows, the sty to it's pigs, the coup to it's chickens. But in all of these cases the home is owned by the farmer and leased with the life of the tennant, for shitting and eating purposes. Though the ocean largely has no owners, nor are the fish there for the purpose of catching.
I will admit farm fishing and wild hunting exists, which would seem to undercut the argument.But as the demand for grain fed beef exists, so too does a demand exist for 'wild' fish, 'wild' could be readily exchanged for 'free' without too much consequence. And despite other protests of the fish and it's limited memory the point remains. Cows are bred to be steak and coats; pigs are three kinds of meat, sheep are lamb, jumpers and mutton. Logically fish shouldn't be any of these, they shouldn't have an automatic category for human enjoyment. Yet they do, fillets, sushi and canned.
I enjoy fish, as does my mother. I enjoy most kinds of meat I have sampled, so please don't take this as another plant-thumper carrying on about the virtues of all animals and how those who eat them are irrecoverable dead-shits. I am no militant, no radical. I understand humanity does things a certain way and for the most I enjoy the way it is done. Though there is some disparity with how animals are considered.
This, too, isn't intended to start any dialogue or argument or even so much as change a single persons mundane behavior. It is merely a thought, my mother had and I translated. It certainly hasn't changed the way I devestate marine life with my face hole. Perhaps it made me feel a little worse for it though.
My mother also feels bad for the caged bird.
“How'd you be? Having wings and not being able to fly?'

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