Monday, April 6, 2015

The Most Embarrassing Moments Of My Life, In Raw Retrospect. Pt. 1 Maybe.

I am scrutiny. When someone says, 'I was just a kid' I inevitably think 'you should have known better'. I do not love this about myself as forever fretting silly past incidents only make me a shittier present human. Though this is me and I am a hard subscriber to old dogs never learning new tricks. As in, I am way too lazy to strive to change myself. I don't love this about myself.
For some reason, I think of my embarrassing moments as a child as though they occurred when I was a reasonable adult. Naturally not a rational thing. I think I am over compensating for the 'I was just a kid' excuse which, as we know, is super rampant.
Anyway this is the highest of highlight reels in terms of shit I was embrarrassed by as a kid, deeply regret and think about how great it would be if they never happened.

Incident One.

This one time (which is always how these things start) I was 10 years old. In the flurry to get to school, even though school was 20 metres from a house, I put my shorts on backward. It is seriously, nearly as bad as the holocaust. Older kids made fun of me for not having the fly hem in the right place. It was before school. Being the genius I was, and am, I went behind the toilets to remedy the situation.
Before you start, I was intending to enter a stall to switch my shorts right way but some dumb teacher hadn't unlocked them. Against it I changed in the open.
Then was the same year sixer who gave me shit about the arse of my pants being where the dick should be, and he laughed AND went back to his dickface friends.

Incident Two.

This one time I was at my cousins dads. So I guess my dad in law. You don't understand my family, dear reader, cousins are like sisters and brothers and parents are messy at best.
Either way, I needed to take a shit. There is a cousin of mine, a dear person and a dear friend, but he was indulging himself on the shit-house and in my waiting a turd speared out of me and into my underpants.
As a kid you know enough to know this is dirty, shameful and not OK. I held out as long as I could, but the smell of shit is as apparent as a missing child and eventually found out. The dad actually ran his nose by all the arses of all those present and one of those arses was not like the other, it was mine. Literally full of shit. Down bottom, plain brown. Up top, pure beetroot.

Incident Three.

I was at my grandmothers house. We were eating, which is kinda normal for my grandmother. My guts were playing up so I throned her toilet and took a glorious shit, that bad-boy wasn't complete but I felt safe enough. Standing to reach the paper was a lesson in humility. A smaller turd dropped from me, landed right on the matt. I thought about how to remove it for a long while, but ultimately just removed she shit proper, not the stain. The next time I saw my grandmother she had a bone to pick. Word for the wise, bone to pick means...BAD.


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