Thursday, May 20, 2010

Things that make me cry...

I cry too often. Not at the drop of a hat exactly, but more than any red-blooded male is supposed to. I couldn't explain why in any definite way; maybe I am just an overly sad or weepy person. Though sometimes it comes as a completely random occurrence, there are certainly things that trigger it. Whenever I feel I need to expel tears, I go to one of the following things:
1. Remember the Titans.

For some reason, I am completely obsessed with movies about American Football. More than I care for the actual sport, funnily enough. I guess its the themes of universal peace and friendship they seem to convey a lot of the time.
This movie, about an interracial football team at a time of racial tension, is a classic example. Despite my distaste for most things Denzel Washington, this one is brilliant.
I have probably seen the movie a dozen or so times, and each time I cry at the end scene where you know they didn't care for what society said about them, the whites and blacks learned to treat each other as people. The funeral scene at the end is so wonderful, their differences dealt with and each of them with an appreciation of the others.

2. Old Couples.

There is something so beautiful about an old married couple. In this day of the quickie divorce you've got to give it up to those couples that can get together and stay together, til death do them part. Even if it means nursing the other through sickness or trying times and having to do everything for them. When someone takes up the reigns out of nothing but pure love it always brings a tear to my eye.

3. The Songs of John Lennon.

I am not talking about the Beatles tunes here so much, though 'A Day in the Life' is a weeper. When I hear the emotion and passion in Johns voice, and think of the way he died, and what potential he had for this world I can't help but cry. The man was a beautiful soul.
Other Lennon songs have a more specific meaning. For instance, when I hear 'Mother' I think of my mother and all she has done for me. Obviously everyone knows what 'Imagine' means and can't help but feel sad at it. 'Woman' makes me think of the women I have loved and who either didn't love me back or things just didn't work out. It also makes me appreciate women and their great role in the world. 'Give Peace a Chance' is arguably the best protest song ever written. Why should we be killing each other? It makes no more sense now than it did then.

I don't particularly enjoy crying, I am ashamed to the bone that I do it so often, but its about the most expressive and real moments I have anymore and for that I am grateful.

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